Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

Studying About Accounting, Taks 1 Bahasa Inggris 2

Studying About Accounting

Accounting Department in great demand in various universities, both public and private. This is due to the high demand of the labor market will be competent accounting personnel. For several of Accounting Department of State for Higher Education-Humanities Social Group, such as the University of Indonesia, Andalas University and other state universities in addition to the highest ranks applicants majoring in Management, Law, and the majors are incorporated in FISIP.

In the Accounting Department learned many things that will not only regarding financial reporting, but also learn about Auditing, Accounting Systems Designer, and also taxation (Tax Accounting). All materials and technical reporting will be studied in the Department of Accounting Accounting because the world can be regarded as the language of business.


Accounting Department will provide career prospects for those who learn it as:
1. Accountant, both public accountant, Company Accountant, Accounting and Government
2. Internal Auditor
3. Administration Corporate Finance
4. Administration of Taxation on the Tax Directorate, both Central and Regional
5. Auditor at State Audit Board
6. Financial Consultant
7. Staff Accounting in Banking
8. Lecturer in Accounting, both lecturer and teacher SMA and SMK
9. Entrepreneurial, etc.


For majors concentrations Accounting Department are diverse in every university, but in general will have a concentration in Accounting majors, as follows:
1. Concentration in Accounting Taxation.
Tax Accounting Concentration will provide knowledge about the demand of tax reporting, tax audits, tax management, and systems that support the tax itself.
2. Concentration of the Auditing
The concentration of the Auditing will equip demand the ability to process electronic data audits, financial statement audits, investigations and audits of financial flows. This concentration will provide a pembelajarnya become competent in the field of auditing.
3. Concentration of Accounting Information Systems (System Design)
Concentration in Accounting Information Systems will provide a demand be competent in the design of Accounting Information Systems, both manual and computerized accounting. This concentration also equip pembelajarnya reliable in the management control system useful in select financial information for management to take management decisions.
4. The Public Sector Concentration
Public Sector Concentration will memekali demand competent in financial reporting national and local governments, and nonprofit organizations, both in public and private nonprofit organizations in the neighborhood.

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014


1. Contoh Paragraf Generalisasi

" Direktur Utama Perum Bulog Mustafa Abubakar memperkirakan bahwa kekeringan di sejumlah daerah tidak akan mengganggu stok beras nasional. Bahkan, rencana impor 2007 akan diundur untuk 2008 karena produksi beras dalam negeri dalam beberapa bulan mendatang mencukupi kebutuhan nasional. Mustafa menjelaskan bahwa stok beras per Juli 2007 sebanyak 1,63 juta ton cukup untuk kebutuhan nasional selama 7 bulan. Rencana pengadaan 1,8 juta ton tahun ini sudah terpenuhi 1,53 juta ton dari pembelian beras petani. Impor beras 2008 diperkirakan hanya 1,3 juta ton, lebih sedikit 200.000 ton dari rencana impor tahun 2007. Dengan demikian, cadangan beras nasional masih dapat mencukupi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat dan tidak perlu dikhawatirkan sampai akhir 2007 "

2. Contoh Paragraf Analogi

Didalam fakultas ekonomi terdapat studi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Akuntansi Manajemen, studi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Akuntansi Manajemen memiliki perbedaan dalam menerapkan pembelajarannya. Untuk studi Akuntansi keuangan berorientasi pada penyajian laporan keuangan untuk pihak-pihak di luar perusahaan dan sebaliknya Akuntansi Manajemen berorientasi pada laporan untuk pihak-pihak di dalam/internal manajemen. Namun, ada juga persamaan diantara studi tersebut diantaranya yaitu keduanya bersandar kepada informasi akuntansi. Mempunyai dua sistem pengumpulan data berbeda yang berjalan berdampingan.

3. Contoh Paragraf Sebab-Akibat (Kausalitas)
Tahun 2014 telah datang, dampak dari Natal dan Tahun barupun masih terasa yaitu harga beras dan kebutuhan pokok lainnya melonjak tinggi. Kenaikan harga-harga tersebut mencapai dua kali lipatnya dari harga semula. Beberapa warung makan gulung tikar dan sebagian yang lain menaikkan harga dagangannya. Oleh karena itu, biaya hidup anak kost atau para perantau terutama di kota-kota besar bertambah mahal.